God Is Your Matchmaker Podcast with Annette Walker

Welcome to the God is Your Matchmaker Podcast
hosted by Annette Walker
Faith-based Relationship Strategist

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This show offers practical guidance and inspiration to single Christian women who want to be pursued by the man that God gives his stamp of approval.

Episodes will cover tips, strategies, and personal insights on how to successfully navigate the journey that God has prepared for you to connect with your tailor-made man of God.

Annette Walker, God is Your Matchmaker

About Annette Walker, Faith-Based Relationship Coach

Annette understands the plight of single Christian women for she is in the same boat. Her “Popular Sanguine” personality keeps her clients, co-workers, friends and family in a state of awe. She is passionate about helping single Christian women learn how to discover (perceive) and fulfill their God-given destiny for romance, love, and marriage.

In God is Your Matchmaker Podcast, Annette delivers straight talk and actionable steps to help you move closer to your vision of meeting the man of your dreams. Listen in on your favorite podcast app!